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October 6-7, 2024
Chicago, IL

Ravi Rajamani

Independent Data Consortium for Aviation


Ravi Rajamani is an independent consultant working on applying model-based and data analytical techniques to aerospace systems, including modern ones involving electric propulsion and autonomy. He has published six books including Electric Flight Technology: The Unfolding of a New Future in 2018 and Unsettled Issues Regarding the Certification of Electric Aircraft in 2021. In addition, Dr. Rajamani is the author of many book chapters, journal papers, conference proceedings, and patents. Prior to his current job, Ravi worked at Meggitt, UTC and GE. He has a PhD from University of Minnesota, an MBA from University of Connecticut, an MSc from IISc, Bangalore, and a BTech from IIT, Delhi. He is active within various SAE technical committees and serves as the chair of the IVHM steering group. He currently serves as the Editor in Chief of the SAE International Journal of Aerospace and is part of the editorial board of two other journals. He has visiting research positions at the University of Connecticut and at Cranfield University and has been elected a fellow of SAE and of IMechE.
