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October 6-7, 2023
Chicago, IL

Matt Delaney

Head of Enterprise Solutions


Matt Delaney is the Head of Enterprise Solutions at Covalent, which enables industrial enterprises to administer best-in-class technical training programs.

The business started as a research initiative at Harvard Business School in 2016. Matt was part of the original research team and focused on 1) how Fortune 1000 industrial enterprises are taking on more responsibility for doing technical training in-house and 2) what they’re doing about it.

In his current role, Matt helps manufacturers investigate Covalent’s capabilities and execute digital transformation projects. He oversees the business development, implementation, customer success, and support teams.

Prior to Covalent, Matt worked on the enterprise software investment team at Summit Partners, a private equity firm with $40+ billion AUM. His research responsibilities included manufacturing, engineering, learning, HR, EHS, Quality, and ERP software.

Matt received a BBA from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Matt and his wife Allison live outside Boston with their two young sons.
